Treatment Options

Our offices offer many different types of braces: Stainless steel or silver braces, clear or ceramic braces and Invisalign. Each option or type of braces available can be discussed during your free exam and consultation.

Silver Braces: Stainless steel braces or silver braces tend to be the most popular and traditional form of braces people know about. They are much smaller and more comfortable than they used to be. These braces allow you to be creative with the color of the ties you choose at each adjustment appointment.

Ceramic Braces: Clear braces or ceramic braces are also becoming more popular among adult and teen patients since they are less visible than metal braces. They do have some limitations since they require more upkeep than metal braces. People who are allergic to metal can get ceramic braces since they are made of a high tech glass-like material.

Invisalign: Invisalign is a type of “invisible braces”. Invisalign is a type of braces that uses a series of thin, clear plastic aligners. These aligners are removable for when you are eating or cleaning your teeth.